About Us
Since setting up in 1997, DO remains committed to the children, families and young people it serves. As such, we continue to ensure that our provision takes account of our service users’ situations, lived experience and views, and offers choices that encourage confidence and skills to take make informed choices. DO, with its partner agencies, provides a full range of services assessing the needs of each individual and family by developing support and care-plans to provide solutions for a range of issues and problems as they are presented.
The range of programmes and initiatives offered by DO vary from engaging young people at street level, to the more complex and demanding work involved in supporting them in their encounters with diverse institutions and agencies and by delivering practical, psycho-educational and therapeutic support.
All our practitioners are professionally trained and registered Counsellors and Therapists, working towards registration or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) trainees and Parenting Practitioners. Our volunteer counsellor is in his 5th year Doctorate training in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Our Outreach and Advocacy Practitioners have extensive experience around housing, benefits, alcohol, drugs, sex and relationship education, conflict resolution, employment and training.
Clinical supervision is provided by appropriately qualified and registered therapists / practitioners at Docklands Outreach and Clinical Psychologists from CAMHS.